Electronic portals to enhance security

Published: 21/06/2011 05:00


The Ministry of Information and Communication has called on relevant authorities to enhance the security of their electronic portals due to an increase in recent cyber-attacks on State systems.


Two of the most popular kinds of attack include defacement, which changes the visual appearance of a site and denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), which prevents users from accessing computer sources.

Preventative measures include regular virus scans, changing network administration usernames and passwords and using firewalls.

In addition, web hosting service providers must be available at all times in order to support customers whenever breakdowns occur.

Technical operation supervision on information systems are set to be enhanced in order to effectively detect signs of attack.

The ministry has made further calls on relevant authorities to submit reports on network security from early 2011 to date in order for it to deal with cyber-attack threats.

VietNamNet/Viet Nam News

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