Transgender contestant enters Vietnam Idol’s top 16

Published: 10/09/2012 03:52



Many viewers of the ongoing singing contest Vietnam Idol have been surprised to know that Huong Giang, one of the 16 contestants chosen to be a finalist, is a transsexual.

In the latest episode announcing the finalists, broadcast on Thursday night, the jury spoke highly of the 25-year-old girl from Hanoi, due to her effort during the competition.

“The thing that surprises me is not your voice, it’s your effort. Your singing is not absolutely excellent, but your effort makes us want to see how you can improve,” judge My Tam commented.

After that, the second judge, film director Nguyen Quang Dung went straight to the point by questioning if Giang had auditioned for Vietnam Idol before. After a few tentative seconds, the contestant admitted that she previously took part in the competition under a male name, Nguyen Ngoc Hieu.

“I really appreciate young people who dare to be true to themselves and other people. Whatever you do, you take responsibility for it,” the film director said.

The jury also didn’t forget to ask why the young girl decided to make such a big change to her life.

“I’ve got passion for singing and every single change in my life is for art. I didn’t change to win love or any kind of happiness,” Giang replied. “I think this is the real me and I have to change to be myself onstage.”

Giang hugs judge My Tam after knowign she's sent to the next round. Photo:

After the answer, the three judges expressed their admiration of the young girl, who has been so brave to be herself.

“Since you once joined this competition, I feel more admiration for you because you were not good in the previous contest. And with such a change, from appearance to voice, I think you did a thing that not everyone can do,” judge Quang Dung said.

“I know you had been afraid of revealing something true about yourself, but we all respect the truth and see no reason for you to avoid the path that you’ve chosen,” he added.

The third judge, musician Quoc Trung also agreed that Giang’s voice isn’t very good, but he admitted that he can see the fire in her before the whole jury agreed to send her to the next round.

Huong Giang later shared with Infonet newswire how she feels after revealing her truth:

- How did you feel when you answered the question of director Nguyen Quang Dung?

Actually, I was confused and wanted to run away. But after thinking twice, I found no reason to deny my past.

- If director Quang Dung didn’t ask you on the show, would you want to reveal yourself to the audience?

I’ve always wanted to share my true story, since everything about you is revealed when you are in the public eye. I just didn’t know how to come out in the best way.

- What made you confident to tell the truth?

The honesty of the show’s producers. I also felt I was being treated fairly and protected when I decided to tell the truth.

- How did your life change before and after the transgender surgery?

In fact, it’s interesting when you live in two completely different worlds. You know who’s really good to you and vice versa. I also realized tons of differences in life. But after all that, I’m now confident and much happier.

- Many young gays, lesbians and transsexuals consider you their hero who can overcome difficulties to chase your dream. What would you like to share with them?

People were born in different circumstances. It doesn’t matter how you were born, the point is what you can do with what you were born with. Honestly, I just want to say that destiny is what you can change and don’t accept the life that others give you.





Source: Tuoitrenews

Provide by Vietnam Travel

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