Young girl sits with crossed legs to drive motorbike

Published: 05/07/2011 05:00



Many people were giddy when they saw a young girl who did not wear a helmet to
drive a motorbike, while sitting with crossed legs on Nguyen Van Linh Road in
Long Bien district, Hanoi on the afternoon of July 2.

Many people were giddy when they saw a young girl who did not wear a helmet to
drive a motorbike, while sitting with crossed legs on Nguyen Van Linh Road in
Long Bien district, Hanoi on the afternoon of July 2.

The girl looked charming in a skirt but she sat with crossed
leg on the motorbike and drove the vehicle by one hand, at high speed.

During the 3km road, she sometimes even dropped both hand
and traveled on the lane for cars.

Earlier, a young girl drove a motorbike on this road by
legs. The girl was then fined heavily for this act after some online newspapers
reported the case.


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Young girl sits with crossed legs to drive motorbike - Community - News |  vietnam travel company

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