BBC to film Son Doong Cave

Published: 17/06/2011 05:00


BBC has asked Quang Binh province’s permission to make a documentary of the world’s largest cave – Son Doong.

BBC has asked Quang Binh province’s permission to make a documentary of the world’s largest cave – Son Doong.

Hoang Hai Van, deputy director of the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park, the home of Son Doong cave, said that BBC film makers will film the cave with the assistance of seven members of the British Royal Cave Exploration Association, including Dr. Howard Limbert, the leader of the group of British explorers who firstly discovered the cave in 2009.

British film makers will come to Vietnam in July 2011.

In its letter to Quang Binh authorities, BBC also emphasized its interest in the floral and fauna system in the forest in Son Doong cave.

With 200m wide, 6.5m long, over 150m high, Son Doong overcomes Deer cave in Malaysia’s Gunnung Mulu National Park to become the world’s largest cave in April 2009.

Son Doong has attracted the attention of many international new agencies, including National Geographic and Kyodo News.


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