Strange taste for indian taro porridge in Binh Duong

Published: 11/06/2012 04:00



Indian taro porridge is simple dish, popular in rural areas but it has become a strange dish with many reasons: No many people cook delicious and easy to find this simple dish. Although indian taro appears in many places but when it comes to indian taro porridge, we again referred to the Thu territory, Bình Dương province.

Porridge is cooked fried or washed rice. Indian taro is sharpened clearly, cut into small pieces cooked with rice until soft. When porridge is stewed, indian tar cooked ripen, people cook in low heat down but keep the boiling porridge pot on the stove. Indian taro ocrea is peeled, washed and cut into short segments. When porridge is boiling, takes indian taro ocrea in the pot and keeps a steady flame. Indian taro ocrea is soft and edible. If we dip indian taro ocrea in the porridge, it won’t "remove" the itch of indian taro. Meanwhile, indian taro ocrea touches the lips, itching isnt treated any way. If swallowed, the throat will itchy. So, when cooked, it was very careful to observe throughout the cooking time until the indian taro ocrea was certainly ripen.

Indian taro porridge ate with many dishes together. The simplest one is to eat with braised pork, dried fish as a white porridge, bean porridge. You can be more sophisticated when cooking indian taro porridge with fish. But the most delicious porridge is with eel. People chose a delicious eel about 1 kg, washed oil and cleaned. For freshwater eel,  belly should not be slaughtered, remaining blood in the eel body when cooking. The eel was ripen, diners simply disembowel by knife, take out intestine and eat the back. Indian taro porridge cooked with eel is nutritious cooking, good for patients’ body or works hard, needs to nourish to recover the health.

We enjoy cooking porridge with eel in refreshment in Binh Duong province. Bring the fragrant porridge pot. White porridge with a little blue indian taro ocrea, yellow eel with pepper, onion ... creats multi-cuisine for dish and fragrance, making your stomach gnawing. From the first soup spoon, sweat was flush. I see more and more delicious food and feel my restored health.

Provide by Vietnam Travel

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